The Fast Way

Friday, April 27, 2007

Book Review: Verbal Advantage

Book Title: Verbal Advantage
by Charles Harrington Elster
The is one of the most accurate and helpful vocabulary program on this planet. The book is well organized. Each word is packed with amazingly useful information not found in the dictionaries. If you are looking for ways to increase your word power and communication skills, then this is a must book for you.
There is also an audio version of the book. In this version, charles will speak to you word by word on how to improve your vocabulary and disscuss each words in details. This audio version is based on the book. This book is a good investment in your future earning powers.

Book Review: The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich

The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich
All the hidden secrets in the book "Think and Grow Rich" has been revealed in this book. The author analysis the book "Think and Grow Rich" chapter by chapter, showing us EXACTLY where the hidden secrets are and how to use them. This book even comes with the free book "Think and Grow Rich"! This is a must read book.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Book Review: Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires by Adam Khoo

Program Review

Book Title:
Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
by Adam Khoo
In his book, Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires, Adam Khoo will reveal to you the strategies you can use to become a millionaire. By adopting the strategies and mindsets in this book, you can accomplish far more than what others can achieve in years.
Let me give you an example.
Must newly graduated college students will make between 20k-50k at their first entry level job. But do you know that a small percentage of these graduated students make between $70k-$100k per year right after college? What makes them different than the rest? Are they smarter than the others? The answer is no; they just have different strategies. Instead of getting an entry level position, they started working as a manager, executive or even a vice president of their company. How do they do it? They have learned and applied the strategies to get themselves into top positions right after college.
Important: the college students who started at the management or executive level have get a 5-10 years head start than the college students who started at the entry level. See how learning the strategies of the successful people can expedite the rate of your success and earning.
Likewise, reading Adam's book and learning the strategies and mindsets in his book, you can effectively reduce the amount of years for you to achieve financial freedom. You have nothing to lose. Please make an investment in yourself right now.
Click on the 'secrets of self made millionaires' link on the right and start to get the results you want immediately.

